Working together to ensure sustainable future

Sustainability was defined by the UN World Commission on Environment and Development as meeting “the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Both energy and processes have been vital in supporting the needs of our present societies, but also clearly contributed to environmental and societal issues negatively affecting our and future generations. Sustainable technologies are therefore urgently needed to provide energy, chemicals, and fuels.

IEPE research is targeted towards sustainable technologies for energy and processes such as:

  • CO2 capture, conversion, and storage

  • Circular economy

  • Power-to-X technologies

  • Life cycle assessment

  • Energy systems optimization

  • Environmental sensing

Teaching IEPE also addresses sustainability for energy and processes:

Introduction to Modeling and Optimization of Sustainable Energy Systems
Sustainable Heating and Cooling Technologies
Renewable Energy Technologies
Energy Systems Analysis: an Introduction and Overview with Applications
Showcasing Doctoral Research in Modelling for Climate and Energy